My name is Fiona Pollard. I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Yoga Wave Teacher (500h). I work with yoga, meditation, mindfulness and Somatic Experiencing tools to help clients attune to their bodies and needs with compassion and kindness. I teach Yoga Wave on Wednesdays (Sunset) and Sundays (morning) on the lakeside beach near Trevignano Romano and at Elishimun Farm events. Individual therapy sessions are available in person (Trevignano Romano or Elishimun Farm, Manziana) or online. Visit my YouTube channel @CalmBendyStrong for free yoga & breathing exercises.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing is a gentle therapy aimed at creating space for the body and mind to communicate better. This helps to release trauma and stress trapped in our nervous system. In our busy world, we often use logic to rationalise and minimise our bodily experience, ignoring the signs and signals it is sending us.  We can ‘check out’ from daily stress with screens, food, substances, exercise and more, to avoid what feels uncomfortable and sometimes intolerable. Somatic Experiencing favours a greater connection with our own body, in order to be able to act with greater awareness and coherence. This results in greater respect for oneself in various aspects such as “What are my needs? How do I set healthy limits? How do I take care of myself? Or how do I develop a greater containment capacity?”

By unlocking patterns of behaviour and thoughts, this approach helps to discover the functioning of the nervous system and teaches self-regulation. For example, how to calm down if you are nervous, how to understand body language and pay attention to it, or how to discover patterns of behaviour and thought that have been blocked, to get out of them in a conscious way.

Yoga Wave

We are Nature and the practice of yoga (meaning union of body, mind and soul) aims to connect together our internal world with our external world - a union between the microcosm and the macrocosm in which we exist: non-duality.  Yoga Wave principles, based on this union, are built around 3 natural elements: Rock, Bamboo and Water. The Rock expresses the concept of Centering, Grounding and Physical and Mental Stability. Bamboo expresses the ability to be Strong, Soft and Flexible by transiting between Yin and Yang. Water, being in the flow, expresses the adaptable attitude in the awareness of the intuitive wisdom of body and mind (“Wave flow”) and the flow of energies and emotions (Prana flow). Through the practice, we are “stable like rock, flexible like bamboo, adaptable like water”, helping us feel closely united with Nature. This flowy practice is perfect for all levels of experience. 

Please contact me on +393273329898 or email me at fionapollard88@gmail.com for more details.